Collection: Auctions - (COMING SOON)

Big news!

You may have noticed the website looks a little different. Here
is what to expect for the next month:

The team at watchpartsrus has been working hard over the past
few weeks to update the website and more importantly we will be launching a brand
auction design coming soon this fall. We are extremely excited as this will allow for
a ton of new and improved features - adding items to your watch list, increased
bidder anonymity, improved user profiles, and much more.  

Please be aware over the next weeks the site may be down for
maintenance as these changes are implemented. Be on the lookout as auctions
will begin again soon. In the meantime, the store will be active, and feel
free to reach out with any questions.

Lastly, we wanted to say thank you, we are extremely pleased
with the reaction of our customers and participation in our first year of
auctions. Stay tuned this is just the beginning.


The watchpartsrus team